Legal & General Investment Management

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Company description

LGIM is the investment management arm of Legal & General Group, with a heritage dating back to 1836. And today, we are one of the UK’s leading investment management companies, trusted by investors to manage over £1.4 trillion across a range of asset classes and different investment strategies. Our size means we can also find efficiencies in the costs we pay for managing the funds and then pass these savings on to your clients.

Services available

Our Model Portfolio Service brings together our award winning multi-asset capabilities and leading index expertise for a cost-effective 0.06% per annum (which includes VAT) and scalable offering that improves investment outcomes. We know cost is a crucial consideration for you when assessing suitability. Our size means we can find efficiencies in the costs we pay for managing the fund and pass these savings to your clients.

There are 25 portfolios across, Growth - Index, Blended and ESG models and an Income strategy range.

The Practical Solution

DD|hub provides a practical framework for advisers to use in the due diligence part of their provider selection. We do not force you to use a standardised questionnaire nor do we have a proprietary selection process that we make you use.

Register now for free access to DD|hub now for your business - or contact us on 020 3633 2185 or for more information.